
Can gaming make the world better?  

This is one of the questions that we hopefully find an answer to by the end of week 43. The three following weeks we’re going to focus on listening and consequently understanding spoken English. Among other things we are going to watch a lecture about gaming and why we should play more games and also listen to a radio program about girls’ and boys’ different ways of playing games.

You are going to watch Jane McGonigal on TED

(The film is from 2010 and approximately 20 minutes.)

Check these words before watching:
billion - miljard
imagine – föreställa sig
research – forskning
essential - viktig
habit - vana
decade – årtionde (10 år)
century – århundrade (100 år)
achieve – vinna, uppnå
poverty - fattigdom
unemployment - arbetslöshet
collaborate - samarbeta
urgent – brådskande, angelägen
fabric – system, uppbyggnad
blissful – lycksalig (lycklig)
virtual - verklig
famine - svält
verge – gräns, kant
exuberant – levnadsglad, sprudlande
invent - uppfinna
predict - förutspå 

Answer and discuss the questions.

Work together with some friends in class (approximately four pupils). Try to speak English all the time. Be prepared to tell the rest of the class what you have said.

  1. Explain the expression “an epic win”. Have you ever experienced one? Explain and give examples.
  2. What is it about online games that make gamers feel that they can achieve almost anything?
  3. McGonigal says that gamers are super-empowered hopeful individuals. What are they good at? List at least four things.
  4. Herodotus, an ancient Greek historian, writes about people playing games already 2500 years ago. In what way, according to him, did the game playing save the people of Lydia?
  5. What games has McGonigal designed for online playing? Describe one of them. 
  6. What do you think about McGonigal’s mission to let online games solve the world’s problem? Would you play such games?
  7. Now, I think that we have probably come up with several new pros to gaming. Write them down.  

Read the text about a Korean gamer

Make sure you understand it. You may help each other out. Here you can find an mp3 file if you want to/need to listen.

Internet assignment: 

Search the Internet and find more information on the dangers of gaming. Did you find anything new that we haven’t spoken about? Text your answers to Anna and share your findings with the class in our next lesson.

We are going to listen to radio programs about gaming. 

The programs are about benefits of gaming and also about the difference between what girls and boys play.


Discuss with your friends

  1. What are the good aspects of playing computer games, according to Jane Douglas? 
  2. Why is it good to have a good coordination between eyes and hands? 
  3. Most scientific tests show that people don’t become violent from playing computer games and Jane Douglas agrees with that. Do you think the scientists are right? 
  4. Are there games that can be harmful to people, in your opinion? 
  5. As mentioned, the Swedish military is developing a game that will train soldiers before they go out on international missions in sometimes dangerous parts of the world. Can you think of more areas where gaming can improve people’s skills? 
  6. If you have played computer games yourself, can you see how it has affected you – either in good or in bad ways? Have you improved your English by playing games, for example? 
  7. Do you think Jane Douglas is right when she says that playing computer games doesn’t make people asocial? 
  8. Do you think games should be used more often in school? If so, what kind of games? 
  9. What’s your favourite game and why do you like it? 
  10. If you don’t like computer games, why? 

  1. Do you agree or disagree with Maria that some computer games are for boys and others for girls? Explain and give examples. 

Writing assignment 

Discuss the pros and cons of gaming. Is gaming good or bad for you? 
What conclusions do you draw after hearing facts and opinions about gaming? 
Write approximately one page about it. Hand in your text to your teacher.


Jag förstår det huvudsakliga innehållet och uppfattar tydliga detaljer i talad engelska (måttligt tempo).

Jag visar att jag förstår genom att översiktligt redogöra för, diskutera och kommentera innehåll och detaljer.

Jag formulerar mig enkelt, begripligt och sammanhängande skrift.

Jag skriver olika typer av texter.

Jag förstår det huvudsakliga innehållet och uppfattar väsentliga detaljer i talad engelska (måttligt tempo).

Jag visar att jag förstår genom att välgrundat redogöra för, diskutera och kommentera innehåll och detaljer.

Jag formulerar mig relativt varierat, relativt tydligt och relativt sammanhängande i skrift.

Jag skriver olika typer av texter.

Jag skriver med visst flyt och i någon mån anpassat till syfte, mottagare och situation.

Jag förstår såväl helhet som detaljer i talad engelska (måttligt tempo). 

Jag visar att jag förstår genom att välgrundat och nyanserat redogöra för, diskutera och kommentera innehåll och detaljer.

Jag formulerar mig relativt varierat, tydligt och sammanhängande i skrift.

Jag skriver olika typer av texter.

Jag skriver med visst flyt med anpassning  till syfte, mottagare och situation.

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